Product£º Instant Sea Salt
Sort£º Sea Salt
Specs£º 25kg/bag,
Content£º Marine Life Instant Sea Salt contains every important major,minor and trace elements that is found in natural ocean water.But never add any nitrate, phosphate and other toxic component such as beryllium,osmium,thallium, etc. It also contains no surface active agent, organic phosphorus pesticide, oil, etc. The artificial seawater formulated by Marine Life Instant Sea Salt is a kind of execllent medium that has a relaively constant pH, higher pH bufer capacity. It is no color,no foam,and no precipitation. Marine Life Instant Sea Salt is a manufactured synthetic sea salt specially formulated for marine tropic fish and other ornamental marine organisms. Hundreds kinds of ornamental marine organisms have been culturing in the artificial seawater formulated by Marine Life Instant Sea Salt and have survived as well as in their natural environment and even breed their next generation in Beijing Aquarium. Marine Life Instant Sea Salt is an ideal salt for aquarium and ocean museums.